Etiquette and Rules

We want to make your round of golf as enjoyable and safe as possible.  

To this end we have developed playing guidelines that must be observed by members and visitors. Observance of these rules will also help to sustain the course in the best possible condition.


Course Care and Rules

Players must conform to the direction of signage about the course. 

Golf bags, ride on buggies and hand carts are not permitted on the greens or tees with paths being used to navigate about the tee areas. 

Sand buckets must be carried and used as required by the Club. 


Rakes are to be left in the flat areas in bunkers, away from bunker margins, pointing in the direction of play. 


The Club has a heat and extreme weather policy. Women’s and men’s heat policy for competition play differ. Players must be conversant with these policies, copies of which are displayed in the local rule of notice box, on the veranda adjacent the 1st tee. 




Members are advised that when State or Major events are held at the Club, limited playing times may be available at Blackwood, Flagstaff Hill and Thaxted Park for members to play on these courses. Booking sheets will be placed on the Notice Board one or two weeks in advance of the day of play. Members are requested not to contact those clubs directly, as all available tee places will be listed on the booking sheet. 

Members (CAT A, B, C,) wishing to avail themselves of a game at a “Club Advantage” golf club, must however book directly through the Pro Shop at the Club where the intend to visit. 



Practice is not permitted on areas other than the practice fairway, pitching green and the practice putting green. All practice rounds must be played from white markers unless otherwise authorised by the Match Committee or Club Manager. The Club Professional shall have priority on the practice fairway while conducting lessons or while collecting practice balls. 

All Men’s Club competitions shall be played from the blue tee markers and all Women’s competitions from the red tee markers, unless otherwise advised. 



When a player has exhausted the number of strokes at a hole to secure a win, a half or a point, he/she must immediately pick-up. 



(Hand held or on ride on carts) may be used during competition play under a “Golf Australia” ruling.




Members shall afford the President and Captain the courtesy of the first tee and shall extend such privileges on other parts of the course.

In any game the player with the lowest handicap is deemed to be the Captain of that group and is responsible for the observance of all rules and etiquette of that day.

The Captain of each group is responsible for the avoidance of slow play.

Members are to be fully acquainted with Section 1 of the Rules of Golf dealing with etiquette which covers such points as:

• Interference to a player when addressing the ball.

• Safety – players in front being out of range.

• Smoothing out the sand prior to leaving the bunker.

• Repairing divot marks and plug marks, etc.

• Care with flagstick, etc., not to damage greens.

• Immediately leaving green after putting out.

• Priority on the course for different types of match play.



Players should play as quickly as they reasonably can at all times.

Should players fail to keep their place so that they fall behind the players in front by a clear hole, they shall give way to the following players. If they fail to give way it shall be the duty of the players being held up to notify the players ahead that they intend to go through, and the players ahead shall immediately allow them to do so.

Players habitually offending by slow play may be placed at the end of the field or penalised by the Match Committee.



All members are required to carry and use sand buckets for repair of divot marks on fairways, tees and in the rough.



When using the practice fairway balls may only be hit in an easterly direction. A total ban has been placed on balls being hit onto the 4th fairway. Extreme care should be taken to prevent injury to persons on the practice fairway and all adjacent areas.



(Electric/Motorised) - Ride on carts are available for hire by any player and may be used by participants involved in competition play, except when the following major events are being played or when the Match Committee decides that vehicles will not be permitted to be driven or ridden upon for a particular event.

• All Club Championship events (male and female)

• Vardon/Pennant events

An exemption may be granted to a player to use a vehicle where a suitable medical certificate is required/presented and accepted by a Match Committee meeting prior to the event. Restriction on the use of vehicles on the course due to hot weather, course conditions etc may be imposed from time to time by the Committee or at the discretion of the Manager or Course Superintendent. Members are urged to contact the office/pro shop to enquire if vehicles are permitted to be used on days or severe heat or when the course may be rain affected. Vehicles must not at anytime approach within 10 metres of any green and must stay well clear of bunker edges, newly laid turf or the like.


Contact Us

If  you would like to call us:
Office: (08) 8381 1822    Pro Shop: (08) 8381 3300

If  you would like to write to us:
The Vines Golf Club of Reynella SA Inc
PO Box 243 HAPPY VALLEY   SA  5159

If  you would like to visit us:
We are right at the East end of Reynell Road:
Cnr Reynell and Pine Roads HAPPY VALLEY  SA  5159  (or Cnr Reynell Road & Mark Street, Happy Valley)

Or fill out the form below to send us an email: